The other day I was struggling to find the time to schedule a manicure. I realize this may sound like the pinnacle of first-world problems...and it probably is, but hear me out.
You see, I try to get a manicure every few weeks. I like having pretty nails, I think most girls do, but by husband really likes when I have pretty nails. I figure it's a small price to pay to look good for my man, but sometimes timing it is tough. Trying to find an hour to schedule that manicure every 2-3 weeks can be tricky at best. As I sat, looking at my schedule, on the phone with the lovely woman who does my nails, trying to find a time that worked for both of us, I was reminded of one thing:
This being a girl shit is rough.
A couple of weeks earlier I had been talking to an acquaintance at the gymnastics school where my son goes. The lovely woman had the most beautiful eyelashes. They were the kind that are so gorgeous, full and beautiful, that I figured she must have extensions. My lashes are nothing like that. They are short and not exactly full... I live and die by "Their Real" mascara thanks to my friends over at Benifit. Hmm, maybe I should consider lash extensions. Once again I was reminded that:
This being a girls stuff is exhausting.
Flash back even farther to the beginning of the summer when I had forgotten to make a wax appointment until the last minute with the amazing lady who's job it is to rid me of unwanted hair. Luckily she had one time slot left before I left town. Yet another reminder that:
This being a girl business is grueling.
And as I sit here, typing this post, I'm yet again reminded that I REALLY need to make an appointment for a hair cut/color with my wonderful woman who does my hair...
crap...this being a girl situation is a full time job.
Nails are painted (or acrylic nails are applied), hair is removed, lashes are added, hair is cut...and colored...and maybe added if you are the extension type of girl. The list could go on...we could get into makeup or maybe skin treatments...blah, blah, blah.
Now please don't take this the wrong way. I love being a girl. I love putting outfits together (as proven by my Instagram style account: thismontanastyle). I love looking good (or at least trying my best) when I go out. I love getting a pedi with girlfriends. I love trying new things with my hair. But at some point even a girly-girl like me has to take a step back and wonder how we created this situation.
For one week I would LOVE, just love, if all the men in my life had to live as, clothes, makeup, nails...and they would certainly be required to get a brazilian. I'm not quite sure how we ended up in this place where women work so hard to look 'good', and most dudes just roll out of bed, quick shower, throw on some clothes and can count that as looking 'good'.
I wish I had some great idea on how to try and change this situation, but I don't. I guess the one thing I hope is that if any dude reads this, they start to realize, even just a little, the work that goes into a girl looking 'good'.
In the mean time, I'm just gonna hope that my man notices my manicure.
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